Saturday 24 November 2012

Meeting Three

We decided to scrap the Daft Punk 'Technologic' idea as we felt the lyrics and repetitive beat of the song meant we could do limited things with the song which may lead to our video coming across as boring. After this change in idea we came up with two other songs that we were interested in developing into our music video, these were 'St. Jimmy' by Green Day and 'Nine 2 Five' by The Ordinary Boys and Lady Sovereign.

We were interested in using either of these two songs as it meant we could develop and idea which involved intertextuality. Firstly with the song St. Jimmy we had the idea of involving a Jeremy Kyle style show and with Nine to Five we realised the lyrics may match the job of a news reporter, we had seen this job involved in a few videos beforehand.

Below are the two songs we are interested in using for our music video:

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